To conform to the new GDPR rules the following is notice of how the West Sussex Bowls Touring Club handle your personal information.
Privacy notice
This document sets out how the club satisfies the processing requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which comes in force in May 2018.
The club solicits the following data from its members:
- Name
- Phone number(s)
- Email address
- Postal address
- Date of birth
- Other bowls club membership(s)
All this data is held securely by the Secretary (and Treasurer) for administrative purposes. As a member when you participate in one of our competitions, matches or events your name may be displayed on our website.
By agreeing to be a member you are allowing the club to:
- Display your name, phone number(s) email address etc to be sent to other members and displayed on our website under a password protected page.
- Send you emails and written correspondence relating to the clubs activities or other bowls related matters.
- Send your personal information (if requested) to either Bowls Sussex or Bowls England or any other body with regard to an event the club may enter.
- Use photographs of you on the club website as deemed appropriate by the club management.